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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2019/12/6 10:08:11  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Maritime transport

We have NVOCC management qualifications, and have long-term good cooperative relations with the world's major shipping companies. We have abundant route resources and diversified service products to meet the needs of different levels of customers and provide customers with safe and timely. Efficient marine transportation services.

★ Global door-to-door and LCL door-to-door service.

★The container booking agent designated by many shipping companies enjoys the cabin and price advantage.

★ Special cargo transportation services such as refrigeration and dangerous goods and ro-ro ship service.

★Overseas large-scale engineering projects, large-scale bulk cargo international chartering, booking advantages.

★ Large cargo yard services and port service capabilities at major domestic ports.

★ Domestic cargo transportation of bulk cargo ships along the Yangtze River

为提高效率,公司在北京东四环十八里店朝阳口岸和机场口岸均设有直属办公地。办公室与海关、检疫部门为邻,能快速应对各种突发事件,大大提高通关效率。公司目前服务的客户超过150家;涉及领域包括:预包装食品、生鲜食品、家居用品、化妆品、奢侈品纺织服装服饰、医疗器械、机器设备、婴儿用品、特殊膳食、模型玩具、宠物用品、药品、钢材、各种酒类、油漆涂料、航空器材、家居建材、家具等。 切关注整体运作,时刻检查各环节是否符合操作规程,力求一切问题防患于未然。

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